Belyevsky Kissel Blueberry
Kissel is a traditional Russian drink. Kissel is not just a drink, but a wholesome meal, both delicious and nutritious. Its beneficial properties have been proven over time.
It is considered to be one of the healthiest drinks due to the high content of vitamins and healing properties. Each variety of kissel not only has a peculiar flavor, but also brings certain benefits to the body. There is no doubt that all varieties of kissel improve digestive functions and are beneficial for the whole body. Our kisselis made from natural ingredients using berry extracts.
Ingredients and nutritional value:Sugar, potato starch, bilberry extract, сіtric acid. Nutritional value in 100g of product: proteins – 0,3g, carbohydrates – 90,5g.
Calories:in 100g of product 363,2kcal/1520,6 kJ.
Storage conditions:6 месяцев при температуре +15+21°С и относительной влажности воздуха 65-75%
One pack:20 штук
Net weight:330
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